Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Day 14 of chapter 2- Finished editing the weekend cypha video!!!

This video was very random, I needed such a scene for my digital arts project but ended up using it in a different way. Then came the idea of weekend media as a social establishment on campus allowing media and graphics majors to build up their portfolios and have more media n entertainment go down in the campus environment, it's been dry with the nux not producing a newspaper anymore.

Anyway... that cypha video from Saturday went up on youtube this morning as promised!!
Here goes nothing:

Editing done by Thembi Molaba.

You can only be dead once in this life so jump right in...

Had a tense conversation with a friend earlier today about navigating through the odds n stuff ...
thought about it long and hard and jus figured that.....
You may stumble a couple of times and that's ok, what matters is that you tried instead of sleeping on your potential.
you can only be human in this life so for as long as you are imperfect - every failure should be an installment to your victory.
A switch of mind-frame is all that's necessary... you don't have to change yourself.

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