Thursday, February 27, 2014

Day 15 of chapter 2 - Released a poetry podcast " black zombies" (podcast #1)

Learning to get the hang over adobe audition...

Recorded a poetry podcast today and even did the art work for it, super productive day it was.

 ' Black Zombie'
To play the podcast from soundcloud  (Click HERE to stream poem directly from soundcloud)

To download and play poem from ur device (Click HERE to download poem from datafile host)

The lyrics to that piece provided below...

The cypher clip went up yesterday and reception been propa!! We almost made a 100 views in one day we got so damn close *blink* kats really shouldn't let me handle the promotions stuff on my own, they need a good smack down for that.

One guy complained about the sound but that's real weird since it's so audible to me. Hope the sound's o.k here's that video again. Rashid said dudes were shy to lay they're bars *chuckle* Can't wait to tell them tomorrow that somebody thinks we suck!! *cracks up dead*

Putting the video together was a blast though, didn't even feel like work mayyn I had a great time!!

Lyrics to 'Black Zombie'

She wasn't born with an inferior complex
she was born into it

I met somebody that I want to be with
and I hope that this stuff id mutual
heart pounding loud through the nerves in my head
coz swear it's some headache found a crowd that is just like me and feeling normal again.

Rid me of the scars that make me hide behind this thick bush of hair
Stones were thrown so much that I cannot be me
I cannot allow myself to truly love
I hear the sting of that laugh that isn't laughing with me anymore but laughing at me
laughing at me so loud
that something inside of me shrinks and dies
they say all sorts of stuff

Chuckles of defeat sound each time you try and break free
Hopes dying, dreams crushed and tomorrows killed
in the grips of a powerful community with no knowledge of their true strength
trapped in the shallow deep
where you can't swim but weep about your death
for you are told that the sharks are not out there they are inside of you.

It drove her crazy to think that she had talents and gifts that she wasn't good enough to use. A confusing world where rats spin a wheel working for superiors they don't know all their lives..
I said " Dad I want to spin my own wheel and he didn't get it"

"ma, I want to lead and not follow"
Will I be taking up strength to shave my head and not give a fuck like how
I really lost it walking in the rain and stuff coz I'm not
comfortable with the person that the world tells me that I am.
Trying to bring me into this shallow mould where I stand refusing to be boxed and controlled

You tried to manufacture my mind
you tried to manufacture my music
you tried to manufacture my appearance
and now you try manufacture and dictate my perceptual understanding of the world around me.

I told him I like creep stuff coz dark pieces are where I find my voice best
never mind that the christian will take
1 quality and use it to discredit my entire character and worth
label me satanic and shit in the hope of reprimanding me back into line
but I'm not feeling none of that shit not about that life
coz If a God created me with deep layers why wouldn't he want me to explore them?

I've been called a bitch and a whore before bru
labels do nothing to me so fall back!!

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