Problems with procrastinating, finding yourself becoming stagnant when it comes to your work and just moving through life without direction like a drone, feeling uninspired, demotivated with sudden complacency having all these things you want to do and achieve but for some reason you lose steam and never really get anything done.
The problem is that your mind is starved of the fuel it needs in order to function at its best.
you are running low on mind stimuli and energy.
often times all we need is fuel as human beings, food is physical fuel and energy to our bodies.
Inspiration & motivation is mental/spiritual fuel and energy to our minds.
All our preferred arts and media is what gives this fuel to us, the music we listen to; the stuff we read; the blogs we follow and the people we want to hear from, we go back there because we like the energy that we get from them.
People go to motivational talks to get energised, to come out with a boost of energy and life that enables them to live and function at optimum levels because they know that when they're uninspired nothing gets done. Some people even go to the lengths of taking drugs for this boost because it gives them the energy they crave and they get to step out of their uninspired selves for a while, but there is another more organic way of getting this boost of life and energy and I want to share that with you in this article.
All that is happening with uninspired you is that your mind is hungry, the appropriate word would be lethargic but I prefer hungry because it paints the picture a lot more clearly. If you can love yourself with being vigilant with your food and what you put into your body because you want to live a long and healthy life by giving your body all the nutrients it needs.
Than why shouldn't you be just as vigilant with what you put into your mental & spirit body that is mind because of that same desire of living a long and healthy life by giving your mind all the nutrients it needs?
Music is the body food of the mind and it serves the purpose of planting seeds in your mind that can either build or break you, support or work against you, can help you progress or just hold you back. We need to start understanding that music works like mantras and affirmations in our lives, whether we are aware of it or not.
After reading masterkeys and getting deep into mindpower and mental alchemy back in 2014, I can tell you now that there is a simple way of fuelling the mind and getting that boost of energy you need in order to go about your daily business and that's where I come in.
Here I have devised this method of fuelling our mental and energising our lives with 5 steps.
It has been scientifically proven that we are 80% more productive when we are working towards something instead of against it, This exercise helps you vibrationally align yourself to a goal. But before you do it you need to do the mental work of choosing and clarifying a goal that you can reach for and achieve. The aim is to get into the habit of making little achievements and become a lot more self - driven.
For example - mastering the skill of cooking like a pro & becoming a master chef ( is you being driven towards something )
Getting a job in order to get paid and avoid debt and poverty (is you being driven against something, your aim is based upon a fear and over something that you hope to avoid instead of something that you hope to attain - the fear of poverty, debt or struggle. You are being powered by something that you fear in this instance)
So this method of vibrationally aligning yourself to a goal and getting into the habit of little achievements, is a method I call the 5 ways you can soldier on.
1.) The real purpose of ill rap is to produce content that gives mental and spiritual fuel that energises you and keeps you going on whatever mission you are on.
For the purpose of this article, we will use my newest work "soldier sh**", Go and download the work so you can go through all the steps of this exercise with me.
Step 1:
blast soldier sh** in your car/phone on your way to work or school, with the intention of utelising the work as cultivating mantra and affirmation.
2.) Catchy hooks can work like short mantras & affirmations to the mind, all the accompanying verses can be thought of as further expansion of the idea.
This works because affirmations influence thoughts by filling your mind up with a certain idea and this is something that a song easily does without any effort from you.
Step 2:
Repetition is important because "absorbing the mantra over and over again until it becomes an active part of who you and forms part of your energy signature is the point, and this is the only time it starts to work."
So step 2 is to blast 'soldier sh**' for 30 days, 2 times a day in the morning and before bed (30 days because that is how long it takes our minds to form new neuro wires in the brain, this is how habits are formed)
Repetition is key!!!!
3.) because of the repetition, this affirmation then influences the thoughts that show up in your mind by filling your mind up with your ability to soldier on despite the challenges and how you need to celebrate that shit.
These simple statements "soldier on like a Rasta" and "couldn't keep you down cos you're a monster, fuck it you're a monster" these simple statements affect your conscious mind.
Step 3:
When you sing along, affirm the statements as your own so they become seeds that you consciously
Plant in your mind.
4.) your subconscious mind is the fertile soil that accepts the seed that you just planted, so your habitual thoughts and beliefs are those seeds which have been sown.
" the subconscious is the mechanism through which thought impulses which are repeated regularly with feeling and emotion are quickened, charged and changed into their physical equivalent." - John Kehoe
Step 4:
Understand the process and how these mantras effectively and practically work in your mind.
( supplement this reading with how auto suggestion works, just to strengthen your understanding of this process.
5.) what you have done now is you have imprinted on to the fabric of your mind, that you are an unstoppable missioning soldier and no challenge deters you.
Step 5:
Is to start the cycle all over again and to repeat this exercise twice a day for 30 days to have it become an active part of who you are and your entire energetic make.
With all that done and dusted
You can now focus on improving & developing in whatever you do to stay alive.
You could be selling peanuts on the side of the road but choose to get really good at that shit.
Share this article with a soldier you know and put them on to some nourishing information, I hope this energises and boosts you and your peeps as much as it did me.
Take it from a person who's spent years trying to use affirmations and auto suggestions effectively but always falling short because as soon as you try too hard with something you start sending out a vibration of lack and that blocks whatever signal you are on because you stop being a vibrational match to the stuff you are hoping to resonate with.
Putting affirmations and mantras in my music and letting that actively do the work of the process has shown me results quicker than I've ever imagined possible.
Here's a link
Click to play soldier sh** from SoundCloud
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