Thursday, March 24, 2016

Awaking an advanced & fully developed version of yourself!! #Article01

Balancing work, art, social life, & personal development in a time where you are trying to find your feet and bring stability into your life is the furthest thing from easy but nothing stops you from becoming more then what you've always been comfortable with, nothing stops you from breaking out of your shell and awakening to your true self.
Transforming into an extended, advanced & fully developed version of you.
A vision driven, self-cultivating and goal orientated you, taking just one day at a time you can channel this in many ways.

In this blogpost I will be peeling away the layers of building and developing our mental, emotional & creative muscles in the same ways that we build and develop our physical body muscles through gym, workout plans and body-building. I will also be exploring how our human faculties can be extended by technology, the exercise of our creative faculty and how this liberates us into a world of shape and colour. I'll also be looking into harnessing & channeling the focus of energy into a daily practice, together with who; when; why and what makes you a self-cultivating creative or alien millennial.

We an achieve this through developing our mental, emotional & creative bodies in ways that we develop our physical bodies. The key is in practices and exercises that one can integrate into daily life in ways that jogging and drinking 2 liters of water a day can be integrated into hectic work schedules.
That idea is as simple as “neurons that fire together, wire together” in his book 'The quantum warrior' John Kehoel writes on the ability of the mind to recondition and rewire itself from time to time through the process of neuroplasticity. He also explains how this practice enables us to completely customise our energy signature. The process of re-wiring is as simple as learning how to play the piano, ride a bicycle or train for sports. It is only when an act is imprinted on our subconscious minds that we can start doing it with our eyes close/ automatically, and that is the level of mastery in everything we do. “ease and perfection depend upon the level at which we use our subconscious minds to carry out actions.” reconditioning isn't a hectic practice at all, if anything we've been doing it all our lives without even being aware of what we were doing.

Other interesting writers/theorists who have either explored or supplemented this information with their own understanding is Ernst Kapp, Marshall Mcluhan and David Rothenberg. In their work, they explored the possibility of technology being an extension of human faculties and organs.

Humans have always extended themselves through technology, during the mechanical ages we extended our bodies in space and after centuries of electric technology we continue to abolish space and time in a global embrace.
The ways in which we already extend ourselves in technology everyday is through using bows, spoons, spears and knives instead of our own teeth, nails & hands. We use clothes for heat control and protection instead of walking around in our own skin. We use wheels/cars as feet in rotation instead of walking to wherever we need to be. “many tools and machines enhance the natural powers of the hands and arms, form follows function” - Ernst Kapp (technology as an extension of human faculties2000 by Bey.P)

Making the great connection ( how we extend ourselves today):
The internet is a powerful communication tool and idea diffusion device making us creatures of communication, connection and ideas. We use this tool to sift through, fish and navigate through information sourcing information that adds value into our lives and improve the quality of our lives.

The ability we have of re-wiring and re-conditioning our own minds through neuroplasticity, makes us a new breed of beings able to interact differently with the universe. We can harness, channel and focus the right energy, use the tools of auto-suggestion to rewire and condition our minds with the aim of equipping ourselves to reaching our life, love and career goals.

The ability to strengthen our creative muscle, express ourselves through  crafts and utilise our artistic faculties to the full extending our communication with the world around us.

A dead person to me is one that never grows, never advances changes and progresses in their lives.
For a while now I've been looking for a word that explains an individual who chooses to explore themselves, develop and cultivate each of their strengths. After weeks and weeks of playing around with the idea, I found a term that that encapsulates the true meaning of being this type of individual... the alien millennial.

You're alien to everyone else around you because you choose to be more, achieve more, re-imagine yourself and write the story of your own personal evolution.
Millennials are the first generation to come of age in the new millennium, everyone born after 1980.

The 4 layers of such an individual:
* Has the ability to extend themselves through the functions of their subconscious minds, able to wire and rewire the mind, extending the physical form into a quantum consciousness, these are multi-dimensional people.
* Has the ability to use their creative faculties and extend themselves through the use of one creative medium, bringing their essence into artefacts of perception and an extension of the senses. (magnifying who we are, our stories and what we are about into the fabric of collective consciousness)
* Has the ability to build, exercise and develop the mental, emotional and creative muscles in ways that we build the physical body through gym and work out programmes. Thus extending our form into the ultimate and complete self with added/enhanced muscle and stimuli.
* Has the ability to extend their being into the online jungle as creatures of communication, connection and ideas. Extending their voices, views and presence into idea and perception.

You can awaken to the vision driven, advanced and fully developed version of yourself, channel this part of you and start on your road to to self-development. Join online community and get feeds, news updates and ideas and alternative ways of applying all this information into your life and use it to materialise and add value into your own life.

Putting this blogspost together has been an illuminating experience for me, it is like forming up training and exercise programmes. The more you try and serve something of value the more it nourishes you back, in the same ways you could never meet an unhealthy fitness coach, learning all those fitness programmes to get their clients healthy, ends up getting them fit and healthy in the process.
These articles are meant to add value into a readers life, stimulate them with bright new ideas and drive them to reaching all their life, love and career goals while achieving unthinkable things.
We all seek contentment, fulfilment and progress and this blog is meant to be for everyone who wants to share in that journey.
Cheers so long!!

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