Sunday, May 4, 2014

New Nuhtkayz Material " She died in my arms"

" She died in my arms"

So there's a piece I wrote from the deepest part of my insides.
So much I had to learn about acceptance and not fighting the negative but to just let it be, let it teach you something new.

I got rid of all my fears today, can't live with those fears, insecurities and esteem issues 'till the death. Once accepted that I'm human and come with flaws and imperfections it's easier to take lessons from the faults and not have them bring you down.

Carry your baggage and reach for the unattainable with your existence is what I have taken from today... you can't die untill you have fulfilled your purpose so might as well try and have a blast while you are still around.

Audio download link (click to download)

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