Here are videos I've done over the 2 years...
Busy preparing for a new Bizcommunity profile:
key performance areas are in excellent communications & Marketing. skills in video editing; archiving; reporting; writing and visual presentations such as graphical design n such. with effective techniques and strategies in social media branding. A master at working effectively under pressure and meeting deadlines!
Couple vidz I've done work on-
When it is all said and done.. you want to surprise your self with a bag of madness when you wake up. Try not to compare her for trying to find her wings in unconventional spaces, they know that Amy Winehouse is one of her greatest influences go all Oscar Pistorious on them!!
Spend no time with shitty bagginess in your life and just enjoy the awesomeness of working in your areas of passion. there's nothing as rewarding as watching people lap up your work like it's milk.. people actually like passionate iddish no matter how crappy or drunken your content may be.... then people just assume it is your distinctive style.. crapfull goodness.
Now since my family once thought I was demonic, this transformation will deff freak them out. but wait till they hear "known for slaughtering"couple hearts will stop and return from heaven coz their little daughter has just lost her marbles... that's just what Alchemist beats do to you... Mobb deep is where a deadly wife comes from... I'm just a person who enjoys to write.
Back to that video journal.. here I was just having fun with whatever cos I was feeling like a facebook celebrity n shxt.. so i figured hey why the hell not??
Jedi shit made so many damn views that I'm still wondering why.. coz my boonies weren't popping out and stuff and people loved that video whatgwan with that? it must have been being exposed to that creative creature with built in music for the first damn time.
My ancestors understand me more then my father does... creating stuff is what I do... a walk through my campus environment was all that this video was about really... nothing philosophical n shxt.
My dead Prez cover peeved a lot of heads off but well whatever you trolls!! I bombed it out with one flow like one side of my brain wasn't working still.
Me and Breeh at the Hexagon theater performing one of our tracks ... no editing went into this baby ryt here. me and Siya just uploaded the damn footage.
Woke up one day decided to podcast a verse.. put it out online, heads went buck over the shxt so I did a visual cast as well stroking my own ego coz I could.
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