Thursday, July 28, 2016

@Typo_ZA #LoveTeamTypo

There is nothing as rewarding as working for a company that supports and develops its people.
Typo builds its people up in unimaginable ways, I was so thrilled to read about the amazing shout out they gave me on the companies instagram page.

It meant a lot to me that the shout out went well beyond the work I was hired to do, but also celebrated other areas of my creativity that had little to do with my work as a supervisor.
It was a really great deal to me.
It made me understand why Typo handpicks its people the way it does...

As Kg would always say "what makes our brand so addictive is because we don't sell products as mere commodities, we sell emotional investments and that's the type of thing that resonates so deeply with our tribe of insanely loyal family of customers whom we engage with daily."

There's nothing as fulfilling as working for a brand that is as about its people as much as Typo is!
Everyday you wake up looking forward to getting to your store and contributing fruitfully to the growth of the brand as part of management.

Shout out to my team, Eastgate is the future!!
Erin, Zazie, Thabs and Kaygizzle's you guys rock.
Shout out to Roscoe Davids, Chennelle, Shaighan and Mags our Operations manager, shouts to everybody else behind this vibrant and creatively stimulating brand we love so dearly. 

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