Friday, December 18, 2015

The story behind the "Kingdom remix" inspired by Common

What Kingdom is essentially about: 
The idea behind doing a cover of this personal favorite of mine was the significance that this particular song had in my journey during the time of writing. The changes and the challenges that came with finally relocating and committing to something very real to me transformed reality a lot for me, I found myself thinking around the ideas I carry about self liberty and the freedom to do, be and say.

Most of the time it is as if we are all just waiting for a person to pop out from nowhere and just lead the way, when we have it within our own selves and our own power to emancipate ourselves and free our minds completely. Why would you wait for somebody to come out and 'save' you when you can do it yourself?

what is really stopping you from freeing yourself and being the savior of your own destiny? what is stopping you from seeking out and finding the keys to a personal nirvana that liberates not only the mind but all of matter and space as we have been taught to know it?

The Kingdom that I refer to in this track is personal nirvana, the place of wholesome completion and emancipation where we as human beings are nolonger the product of a certain system or thought but creators of the systems and thoughts that mould our physical realities as we know them.


The work is up on soundcloud, cut and mixed by Alka.

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