Friday, August 1, 2014

#Got_It_Twisted as a release from 'Voices in the mind'

So the new compositions for "Voices in the mind" the tape are coming together...
detrimental artistry baby!!
First single off of Voices in the mind is #Got It Twisted

We've started story-boarding for the Digital Arts performance clip of the track with Simphiwe and Njabulo, expect the sickest stuff you've ever seen baby - it's ON!!!!
The new release is still available for download at
or you can stream it directly from Reverbnation at

These are graphics done by Smith Martin Anthony after hearing the dynamic patterning work on Got It Twisted. I think that this work is sooo dope it would be amazing as cover art for the entire project of  'Voices in the mind' hopefully we can organise that,
these visuals are the perfect interpretation and visual communication of the vision I have for my writing!!
I don't know how Smith managed to get this right without us even discussing this yooooh!!
Thank you Smith.

This idea of growing collectively as a generation through
being a generation that knows how to use and cultivate the resource of our creative centers to improve our collective living experiences as human beings.

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