Thursday, July 24, 2014

A re-introduction - Nuhtkayz in the new year!

So it's a new month, a new energy and a new space!!!

There's a new vision for the work, a new direction and crazy releases lined up.
The vision is still producing sound media that is free-spirited and exciting, indie music all the way baybiiii
the quality of the work will always be state of the art!

What is not to sleep on is the fact that
there's a lot of intelligence and creativity that goes into the sound media
there is and will always be a science behind what I do.

Part of self evolution and development for me is cultivating the power of personal re-conditioning and re-wiring. I'm one week into my own reconditioning therapy and it is doing wonders for me spiritually and deepening my relationship with the space around me.... relearning my connection with everything else in the space that I exist in.

The video that is being promoted this week is the podcast bars short clip, love and enjoy!
signed by Nuhtkayz get more sound media at

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