Monday, June 2, 2014

End of Chapter5 - Craft chemistry & Rap.

Starting off the end of this Chapter with Video journal #5 about -

Discussing the creating of designed surfaces, the writing on "self medicated", The return of the video journal and why, with  stories behind the brewing of an EP and what to expect from the coming offerings ...

All there was in the beginning was myself and a little writing obsession with ideas around craft chemistry.... It took me to places I could never imagine, Flying out on a crazy experience in J-sec with Nqo for performing at the lover&another was dreamlike...
a memory worth the space that it occupies in my head. 
still confident in the power of these created trips for the imagination in taking people to wikid places in their minds and making them feel like they can kick ass when they really CAN'T.

Last years work....
This years work....

I've learnt a lot of important things in this chapter of the journey, things always seem to work themselves out the way they are meant to.... so I seldom worry about things I have no control over. I might still sound crazy to my family when I tell them that there will come a time where I will be able to exhibit my shit and give back something of value to my small audience of peeps that know how to appreciate unorthodox forms of creativity.

End of this project just means that I'm going back to the drawing board and starting over from scratch right at the very bottom again..... this is exciting to me on sooo many levels - re brewing the brand!

other life lessons from this period in life is that - all people have their off points, find those who are worth the trouble to you.
Whose crap are you willing to put up with and whose rubbish are you not going to entertain?

who knows your worth, doesn't neglect the friendship and never crosses that line of mutual respect? those are the types worth the trouble...
You should rather be alone then to compromise yourself and your space to accommodate people who don't add value to your life.
You give what you get, relationships are like cash or energy.... good breeds more good and bad breeds more bad, poverty breeds more and riches breed more.
That is where the decision not to get involved anymore came from, following the next chapter on this road I've chosen to continue in.

There's been tons of magical moments like the one from today... There's been a number of battles to fight this year but they were all preparing me for something really big!
Todays message from my otherworld support came in the form of a 111 message (been seeing it throughout the day, was most prominent when I was on a table having business convo with a new buddy in my life)

Spot on TIMING!!

First msg came in the form of 11:11 (clock)
So I Immediately hit up Joanne Sacred scribes to interpret the vibrational meaning of the sequence to me.
and it read (Quoted from
 - Number 1 resonates with the vibrations and attributes of new beginnings, independence, individuality,  assertiveness, success, creation and creativity, self-reliance,  self-development.

Number 1, being the number of 'new' is the number from which all manifestation begins.  It is the energy that begins all actions and leads the way in new directions.  1 is the number of new projects, courage, originality and decisiveness and the desire for expansion on all levels.

The 1111 number sequence is a sign that there is an opportunity opening up for you, and your thoughts are manifesting them into form at lightening speed.  The 1111 is similar to the bright light of a flashbulb.  It means that the Universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and ismanifesting your ideas into material form

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