Monday, May 19, 2014

Week4 Chapter5 - Self medicated.

So between playing with imagery; perception; sound forms and patterns - still experimenting with the parameters of this craft - you still respect your craft enough to let it grow and develop however it feels fit for itself, you give it enough time daily and commit to re-learning the same level of mastery each and every day of your life.... Not because it's a job to you but because you are so passionate about it that focusing on this flame of yours is helping you channel and maintain your natural high. You have no choice but to stay there for as long as you can - It's so much better being insanely nutz then having a manic episode.

Creature Nuhtkayz stays that twisted persona with 3 lives in my mind, she's been bugging me of late... She thinks I'm making a mistake not including her in the creation of the new experiences. Me and my craft are working on a friendlier relationship with each other, we are getting along different. #WorkByNuhtkayz is still in the pot cooking.. everything continues forming in my mind. Still on that en-route to design media, communications and writing.
The best thing you can do for yourself is to give your passions a chance in this life... takes all the depression away! There's been a lot of maturity and growth inbetween the time I took away from my creations. Health and progression has followed on the line this time cos this story seems to be continuing fine without me even feels like it's writing it's own self.

The latest Nuhtkayz offering is out, syick twists of psycho drama to wrap your imagination around.
Play from soundcloud - Nuhtkayz 'she died in my arms or download audio file at Click on THIS link to download from datafile host.

Other things that have been going on, I wrote an article on Guerrilla King Music after Swish sent me a couple links to their mixtape.. jee that stuff was enough to keep me up all night I loved what I was listening to, read that article at

Major  changes are going on and when the fears start setting in .... if it's not numbing you then you'll be alright.

Neng Thedi sent "If you feel strongly and u'z passionate about it,money will come to you....not the other way around!make it work for you and the profit side of it will come unexpectedly."

so I get this inbox from a friend before I see recurring 8's, which managed to put all of my worries to rest with- "The number sequence of 888 is telling you that your Life Purpose is fully supported by the Universe. 888 means that a phase in your life is about to end and is a sign of forewarning to enable you to prepare yourself and your life accordingly."

Cited from
This number sequence may also indicate that you are winding up an emotional, career or relationship phase in your life. Past work and effort will be justly rewarded, so continue in this vein in order to maintain the flow of abundance into your life. a message for you not to procrastinate when making your move or enjoying the fruits of your labour. Make the choices and please you. That is your reward.

The challenge now is to remember these words every morning and keep them there in my mind to drive me forward. This is that new chapter - let's do this, can't run away from the change forever.

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