You've died so much on the inside that it's only a matter of time before it's the end of you.
Crap upon crap along your way coz unhappiness breeds even more unhappiness and nobody wants to be around that sadness of a sinking ship incase they happen to sink with it.
You miss that evil voice in your ear that told you that if God cared about you he'd let you die and escape the misery that has now become your life. for everything that is human about you, you didn't plan to fall for that shitbag but you did *stings of abandonment*... and now that you love them but aren't good enough for all of them it's obviously time to turn the page.. you hate to admit how you feel, emotional cripple is the closest word to describe that sudden destitute couldn't snub you from that same hate that killed your mother.
You can't lie to yourself for much longer, bipolar acting up as you have more lows then highs these days... this must be the end. The hell are you thinking about the whole day draining yourself that much?
What mark of greatness? unresolved childhood issues mean anything to a stranger who's never known you beyond your artworks? What opium overdose could ever take those feelings away as an experience you are not trying to repeat again in your lifetime?
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