Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Start of Chapter 5

More trips for your mind coming up!!!
graphical poetry by Nuhtkayz for the good health of the secret needs of your imagination!

Download, playback and enjoy the latest written offering by Nuhtkayz, Click below to load the jam.

for maximum effect with screening the work in HD in your mind - go on the trip high on skunk with your eyes closed (serving suggestion) 

Producing graphical poetry that takes you on trips in your imagination is the new direction for me, coz this is simply where I find my personal happiness as a creative human being. When I feel shit about myself, straight after depressing myself I go back to writing some of that madness - so support that #WorkByNuhtkayz, Get your download, play it back and enjoy it and make sure you buy your tickets to the shows when I come to your hood in future, support local crafts. 

You've gotta find the crazy in you and love it!! Past couple of weeks I've been at the very edge of my low and now the only way forward is light, love and colour. Found that things changed the minute that I removed all the shitty people from my life and stood as the only shitty person in my world.. now I rock like no other!!

Been thinking a whole lot about the direction of my work.. as much as I'd like to establish myself as a writer, the odds just urk me! At the end of the day all I'm really doing is converting my depression into something cool and creating audio files from that madness cos that stuff is exciting to do.

So here I am again, dissolving into the everyday routine like the rest of us human robots.. time to get this work finished. Today is the start of Chapter 5 in my story - I'm now trying to live by a strict schedule, be more consistent in shit and learn how to control my mind in order to get to a point where I can control my life!

So long suckerz.. It's ok to be chicken poop sometimes!!!

You'll respect her as an artist for the work she puts in, but more then that... for the level of quality she is able to reproduce, The vision she lives for and her abillity to keep an unbeatable level of originality.

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