Friday, April 4, 2014

Chapt3 Day 6 - A productive week!!

So here I am.... feeling all accomplished. Work got done this week it's been productive and I had a blast at the session today offloaded all the stress.
I'm still working on my DIGA301 transformation and my lecturer gave me a lot of references to re-work my ideas with. I've been researching a bit of 'die antwoord' and their transformational history in order to find a starting point in my own.

My artist statement is still in the works coz it keeps changing all the time, my lecturer must find me such a difficult student at this rate, but anyway

We changed up the venue moved from the basket ball corner to the hexagon foyer... It got so insanely packed!!!

We all had a blast and it was successful in turnout, in performances and in how many emcees showed up for the cypher afterwards.

Sade shared this saying with me yesterday " to go fast in life you go alone, but to go far you go with people" hard ass lesson to learn when you are as impulsive as me and just want to rush through everything including the video editing process!!

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