Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chapt.3 - Day3 : NutsAboutRaps RETURN!!!!

So.... the journey continues.

Question of the day was "can I live an unconventional life as a creative creature and still survive and get by?"
Being the brainbox of ideas, one can survive.

To stay driven, self motivated and resourceful is the challenge. Can't wait to share the material I've been writing in the past two weeks. Not many people understand but art is a dangerous sport to play.. what ever you create will live forever and you can never undo shit so it's real.

We've been working on the cypher session and poetry recital videos, I have much to be excited about. Digital arts just got crazy and working on my first ever artist statement. Best believe it gets darkest when you're closest to light... haven't been updating much in here and it's so important that I trace every step I make for future reference since I'm building something and documenting all those developing stages as they unfold is really cool to do.

I finished the new logo's for NutsAboutRap, we are re-developing the project into an indie press establishment designed for the culture of street arts and creativity. So we re-branded!! in order to accomodate our collaboration with weekend media and moving voices poetry sessions on campus, Shit got reeeeel last week!! The project is taking off big time...

We are still writing, speaking and producing media for lovers of music, rap and poetry. Next level development... lets'gedit!!

Get on that NutsAboutRap press:

- (facebook)
- (twitter) @NutsAboutRap
- (youtube) Account coming soon....

So today we been rebranding and getting ready to kick in the next season of our developing indie press, we still building it up bay we not going nowhere!! we came back bigger, better and improved... expect cypher session vids, poetry recitals and banging articles this time around..

Our twitter page rebranded and ready @NutsAboutRap

That shit cool or not? 

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