Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Keep it going - Video clip

Second track off the #DeitySpeak Tape, which is a 10 track body of work a collection of rhymes straight from the heart. I get really excited about doing these short videos and dropping snippets on Instagram and then putting the stuff out. So follow on insta @Nuhtkayz for more of these.

You can get the full project on the following sites
https://nuhtkayz.bandcamp.com/album - Bandcamp
http://whereisthebeef.co.za/nuhtkayz    - Slaghuis
https://soundcloud.com/nuhtkayz          - Soundcloud

The project is up for free download on bandcamp and Where is the beef so dig in yo!


The world used to be colourful and warm
The sun used to shine with rays of hope and endless opportunity
Now it's either the world has become a prison cell of 4 glass walls and ceilings
or I've completely lost my sense of feeling
Numb to the bone since the time I could ask people
Do you really know pain? or you just think you do?
I don't even know if I'm holding on to my past
or if my past is holding on to me
Trapped in familial pain coz I've come to know it so well that it feels like home now.
once you've seen sinister, there's no un-doing
how you've looked pure evil in the eye and know it exists.

There's no going back to blissful, bubbly, dreamy you.
That innocence was shattered long ago you've seen the pit of death
and know the dreadful place that fear comes from.
it's as if everything reminds you of a pain you know is there but have not yet felt
because you were just a kid when you really died.
you cry not out of pain
but you cry because you feel too much
you see too much, you know too much.
so much that you wish you still had the veil of ignorance over your head
just so you can feel the young, playful, carefree, sweet and dream child inside of you.
if you tell yourself often enough that she's not dead she's still there
you might start believing it.


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